Products – Generators
Have you ever experienced a power outage because of a bad storm or ice damage? Many of us have and depending on how bad the storm you could be without power for a few hours or several days and in extreme situations several weeks or longer.
The things we take for granted with the power on no longer work. Your furnace will not work in the winter and your AC won’t work in the summer. No coffee in the morning. Your food in the freezer or fridge begins going bad. Your electric stove doesn’t work and you can’t prepare meals. When you try and leave you find your garage door opener won’t open the garage so you can get your car out! It is one little inconvenience after another until you start having real problems.
You can avoid all of this by installing a backup generator. A backup generator will kick on when the power goes out and makes sure you have as little inconvenience as possible and avoid even more serious problems if the outage is an extended one.
At Cousino we can present you with different options:
- Whole House Generator – These types of generators typically operate off a gas line will kick on the moment it senses that no power is going to your panel. It kicks on and powers your entire house just as if the power were still on. Once the power is restored the generator can sense the power has returned and will safely shut off to avoid an overload to your system.
- Portable Generator Solution – With this solution we can wire your panel to accept a plug from a portable generator. This will send power through your existing outlets and systems and allow you to power the critical elements like the furnace, fridge and a few lights until the power can be returned. It will also sense when the power has returned and safely cut off the power going through your panel.
Call Cousino today to learn about the options they have for a generator for your home and the next time the power goes out. Make sure you and your family stay safe and a little crisis doesn’t become a major issue.